The band was originally named Delta Boys.  The concept was a rock opera, in which swamp creatures from the nearby Tensaw Delta, stumbled upon the Ghost Fleet, dozens of mothballed warships and freighters, which had been towed up the Tensaw River, after the War, and lashed together, to be brought out of retirement, if ever needed.

Rabbit and his friends board the abandoned ships, and find some old musical instruments.  They start a band, as a vehicle for Rabbit’s visions, which include apocalyptic dreams of a world on the brink of destruction.  They attempt, but fail, to broadcast their message to the world from Doc Possum’s makeshift radio broadcast station, scavenged from radio equipment taken from the old warships.  The Delta Boys songs of warning and hope, are played, and interwoven with their adventures, as they eventually make their way downstream on a riverboat, after Doc Possum’s homebuilt submarine becomes grounded on a sandbar.  They are determined to make it to Shiny City, whose spires and skyscrapers are visible, through the treetops, even from the swamp. There they will perform their music for the people, to save the world. The band may be naïve, but they are ambitious, and sincere.

The rock opera, with a dozen original songs, is almost complete.  I plan to sell to Disney or Netflix next year for approximately $50 million.  

Anyway, I was never completely happy with the name Delta Boys, because it was possibly confusing.   How would a casual listener know that the name referred to a river Delta?  Also, I had created a female band member, Otter Jane, so the name didn’t quite fit anymore.  Not inclusive enough.

Also, the original anthropomorphic animals that I had cobbled together were taken from artwork from a series of old Brer Rabbit books, from the 1920’s.  Cutting and pasting the old fashioned way, with scissors and glue, I managed to outfit the band with guitars, etc. Johnny Rabbit on bass, Doc Possum and Ray Koone on guitars, and Reddy Fox on drums.  I couldn’t do Otter Jane, because the old books had no female characters. Here is my original attempt at creating my characters:

old delta boys

Also, I figured the old illustrations might still be under some type of copyright, and I did not want to run into legal hassles over my mashup/cutup use of those images.  So I hired a very talented young artist, Amanda Rachels, to create the current incarnation of the band. She was able to capture the spirit of the characters, and of the hopeful franchise-to-be.  I used some of my primitive/abstract paintings as backdrops. I hope you like them.

amandas characters

The song 2022(Spirits not Animals),  was originally written in the early 1990’s, and performed by my band Minor Heroes, during that time period.  It was originally called 1999 (not to be confused with the Prince song, which I love), and had completely different lyrics, and spoken parts.  I reworked the song recently, and decided to experiment with using sound samples from speeches by world leaders, which were in the public domain.  I adhered to Fair Use laws, also, if for no other reason than artistic integrity.

Great creative credit goes to Ray Norman, at Dogwood Studios, for the production and engineering.  I wanted to create an emotional and visceral response, with the tone of the song. I played a rough cut of 2022 for my 20 something daughter, and asked her if it caused any type of emotional response.  “Anxiety” she said, so I guess I was at least partially successful. But I think the song is also optimistic, if you listen to the descending note progression on the break.

Winston Churchill’s  phrases “something happening beyond space and time” and “we are spirits , not animals” ended up becoming integral to the message of the song, appearing in the middle and end, and spoken by both Churchill and Reagan.  It occurred to me that the “spirits not animals” soundbite might be a way to introduce the band members, since they are, literally, animals.

But, still.  The name Delta Boys.  Then it came to me, like one of Johnny Rabbit’s visions.  I am, and always will be, a Bowie fan. What if Rabbit became bigger than the band, and their message?  Like in the Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust? With Hubris, Karma and Fate coming into play?

He played it right hand. Made it too far.

Became the special man, then we were Rabbit’s band.

So we bitched about his fans and should we crush his sweet paws 

Genius! Ziggy Rabbit! Or, maybe just deranged.  

Or, as Judas sings in Jesus Christ Superstar,

You’ve started to believe, the things they say of you.  

You really do believe this talk of God is true.  

And all the good you’ve done will soon be swept away.  

You’ve begun to matter, more than the things you say.

The Delta Boys have become Rabbit’s band, and there is a Reckoning coming.  Enjoy.